Tuesday 20 March 2007

Trident nuclear missiles

There is no way that Blair should be trying to force the Trident decision through parliament. The PM is stepping down just two months (or so we think) after the decision will be made. It's bad enough that he's not going to be here to hear the 'I-told-you-so's over the war in Iraq, but he's not going to be here to face the concequences of the new nuclear missile system. There should not be any contestible decisions made in the six months leading to the stepping down of any high-ranking official, it's just the same as punching a guy in the face and running away before you get the shit kicked out of you.

Why is it that Blair repeatedly ignores those who put him into power?
The Prime Minister or President is there to look after our interests. Blair didn't listen to the People over the War in Iraq and just look how that turned out. He will always be known as the PM who sent hundreds (perhaps thousands by the end) to their deaths for weapons that didn't exist.
And now he wants to build his own brand-spnking, new ones.

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